Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bright Star

This poem has a magnificent comparison between a lover and a star. Stars are phenomonons of nature that have such power, such energy; to compare a giant of this nature to a mere human being is truely an example of one's passion and love. "And so live ever- or swoon to death." (Keats) This final line is a perfect ending to the poem that has so much intimacy and attention to detail. This lover would love to forever more be transfixed with his one desire, to always be with her; and if he can not do so, then he would quickly rather depart from this world with a smile on his face that he could but for a second glance upon the face of his true love.
The imagery is quite compelling, as by ourselves (as the star is first described) we rely on what we see and what we know as a reality. And yet in the second half of the poem, Keats relies more upon the feelings and touch, as when in love we rely upon our sense of touch and our emotions. Truely i find this to be a well executed poem, in that he so accuratly explains our minds when alone and when in love, without ever once directly making the comparison.

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