Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shawshank Redemption= masterpiece

By far the best story ever read for class. Honestly i would complain virtually never. Anyway back to analysis time.

One of my biggest fears is of going to prison. I highly doubt i will ever commit a crime, but that's mainly due to my fear of jail. unlike the narrator, I feel that Andy Dufresne is what most would call a legend. Granted maybe not all of his exploits were real and factual, but the actions that we know to be true, such as his bout with Hadley are legendary. That act of facing down armed guards who are getting ready to chuck you over the side of a building is phenomenal. the characterization of Andy by Red is one of rumors and of eye witness accounts on Red's part. "Most of what i tell you is hearsay... repeated four or five times."(39). We do not directly hear about Andy from his actions, because this entire story is a recollection of Red's months after Andy is already gone.
Red's character is not in any way conveyed thorough the story except for a few minor details. His role as 'a guy that can get you stuff' is relayed to us on page 1, and his lack of hope is slowly revealed throughout the story, and only really addressed in the last few pages when he discusses hope.

Point of View:
This story is mainly recollections of Red's a few months after Andy escapes, and a little extra story at the end of Red when he is on his parole. The entire story is from Red's thoughts. But he was there. He was closest to Andy. If not for Red, this story would not exist. "It's all about me. Ady is a part of me." (100). The interesting thing is that because red is a part of the story and telling the story, the point of view shifts. The point of view is at times first person when Red is reminiscent, and when he is story telling it is third person as he is then a part of the story, but not directly discussing himself. this shift in point of view would be for some storied confusing, like the bible, but because of the speed at which time travels in this story, the shift happens with such grace the reader feels like they are Red, watching, hearing, and remembering the whole story. The point of view makes this crazy, unbelievable story of escape, mistaken identity, and brains beating bronze actually seem realistic. Not just realistic, but actually it makes this masterpiece appear to be happening before one's eyes.

The setting, up until the end is Shawshank prison. the time is between the 1920's and 1970's. but to be perfectly blunt, the setting in this story matters just as much as the types of rocks Andy used to carve. Now think about that for a second before you get all upset. the rocks were quartz, which are common but still a type of gem. The time of the setting and the prison itself are just rocks, yes, but the fact that most people are in a prison i their own life is the part of the gem, not the rock. At the end Red is describing how Andy is a part of him. "he is the part of me they could never lock up, the part of me the will rejoice when i step through those gates."(100). Everybody has an Andy in them. Everyone is at some point locked in a prison where the only light is the searchlights out side the barred windows. The setting of this story is people, their inner thoughts and minds. The story may in fact be about a prison, but it i actually a symbol for us.

ahhh i love when i story just flat out tells you the theme. the last few lines are the theme, or one of. "I hope." (107). Hope!!!! the meaning of life, of one of its many aspects, is the sensation of hope, and that which we hope for coming to fruition! To hope is to love one or something, and to make it more a part of who we are. Red hopes to find Andy and live the life he has spent in prison. Shawshank is a symbol for childhood, where we are all sheltered and cared for with no worries besides maybe a bully or two. and when we are let out.... we are scared and trying to cling to whatever we can. Some succeed and some do not. Those that do succeed are those that have something to live for. they have something to hope for.

For some reason this is the hardest one to analyze. I mean yeah its the story, big whoop. we already know the plot is what you are thinking right? Well yes that plot is told to you. The pace is weird. Because for the most part it goes at a slow nostalgic pace, but even when it goes slow it skips months and years at a time.
There are many profound moments in this story, and many odd foreshadowings. odd because although Red makes them clear to the reader, the reader is to enthralled to catch them. "nice guy. But such a big draft." (55). if you are like me and say the family guy parody of this story, you knew what was going to happen the whole time, but even i had to reread this a page later because i missed it at first. King has an unnatural way of causing this of the reader. he drags them in and then leaves them to wander through the story for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. It's clear from the voice in your blogging that you did!
