Thursday, December 2, 2010

I won!! I won!! I-..... wait a minute....

Ok, ill be the first to say it. Kinda liked this story. Not gonna lie. Because my personality is mainly one of optimism, but at the same time i have a side of realism. and yes, humans have good in them, but they have evil also. And we get a sense of that in this story. is this that far fetched? not in the least. Human sacrifice has been going on for years, just not this... civilized i guess you could say. What shocked me the most is Tessie the mom tries to sacrifice her daughters to save herself! "There's Don and Eva" (269). That has NEVER happened last i checked. normally the mother is the most protective of their children and will do anything to protect them, but she flat out throws them under the bus!! Now that, my gentle reader, is barbaric!

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