Thursday, January 27, 2011

Deja Vu

Wow talk about irony. Funny how the world works. This story is happening in my life right now! in my life i am desdemona, and my now ex girlfried is othello. a so called "friend"of mine stabbed me in the back and lied to her, telling her i was cheating on her, and then tried and succeded in stealing her from me. The love of my life accused me of cheating, and did slap me. wow there are so many similarities! i cant believe it! i love that girlwith all my heart, but she ignores me and beleives someone else over me. irnoy... how i loathe thee. Love is all that matters in life, and when it is ripped from your chest and fingers, from the girl i even proposed to, just so i can watch her go out, hold hands with, laugh with, and accept the jacket from the guy i wish to strangle, well quite frankly i applaud Desdemona for attempting in taking him back. I tried with all my effort to win back the heart of my beloved, but alas... my efforts have been in vain... she ignores my every thought, and slowly i dip deeper in the numbing fingers of depression. truely Shakespeare was a genius, for he speaks to me centuries after he has departed from the world... i wonder how this play, and my life's eternal struggle will end?

1 comment:

  1. Though while the emotions are true, the actions, especially those taken at the end of the play, are not. Whew!
