Monday, December 13, 2010


If you know me and my writing, the pattern that arises is darkness and death. Please do not ask me why, just every since 6th grade dark writing has just been easy for me to write about. Anyway the story that interested me, and actually made me laugh the most, was “once Upon a Time”. The ending is just so fitting, as I feel like my parents are that over protective. The story in movie form would start off the same way with the writer in her house, struggling to sleep. After showing why she is struggling, with all the rimes outside, the movie will move to her reading the letters asking her to write a children’s story. After some movie action later, round 25 minutes into the movie, she will walk into her room, and begin writing a children’s story. The story would start right after the ‘happily ever after’ couple gets married, and eventually movie into where the writer’s story starts. From there it will follow virtually the same plot, only adding some events to keep the story going. All in all it will end the same way, with the writer finally falling into a fitful slumber. Personally, I think it needs more action and people getting hurt by the parents over protectiveness.

Same setting. The movie would need to have the exact same setting as the story. The setting, with the dangerous neighborhoods and over protected houses, is the whole basis of the theme. I do think the theme should be anywhere from 1955- the present. The time period doesn’t matter at all, only the place and neighborhoods matter. The story aspect though, should be like the dreamy, unrealistic, “perfect” world. This makes the ending oh so much more fulfilling in my movie.

Point of view
The point of view of the movie would be identical to the one of Shawshank Redemption, with the writer narrating the story that is going on, but you do not hear her talk the entire time. Only moments out of the movie does Red ever speak, but we now that the entire time he is still narrating. The omniscient third person, sort of passive narrator, would be perfect for the role of the story that this is. I love how Red keeps out of the story, but at the same time is controlling the course of the story.

Ok well I do not really know what to write here. I mean the parents and the “perfect” family would have to be looking their best and creepily smiling the entire movie. I think that Keaton would be the best Dad in the movie, with Cody being the child, and Katie English being the mother. The writer was a little more difficult, but I think that Kahle would be a good writer for the story. Tito Ortiz is, just because we are racist with him, the gardener of the happy little tale. The narrator would be Taylor Shackleford. The reason I cast these people is because they have the qualities that I feel would be ideal for this story in movie form.

The theme in this story is a favorite of mine. Over protection is more dangerous than little protection at all. Sure everyone needs a small amount of protection, but the extreme will have adverse side effects. The movie would show a much better example of this overprotection than the story does. The story does describe the protection taken by the parents, but in the movie the measures taken will be extremely obvious and taken the extreme. And I mean EXTREME. It will be hilarious how out of proportion the measures will be. This will emphasize the theme even more so then the story does. Plus the goriness of the child in the end will finally hit home the grotesqueness of this ending.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Most movies, and by most i mean virtually every, that are adapted from book to film have many significant differences and plot holes that are actually vital to the story. Thank the Lord that this was an exception to that trend! the movie was nearly identical to the story, the only notable differences being title, what happened to the guy that told Andy about the truth of his wife's death, and the order in which we discovered Andy's trial. Quite frankly if anything else was changed this story would not have the impact that it does. The sheer emotion that is shown truly shows what little emotion the story lacked. A key differnce not stated above that made me truly appreciate this work was the scene where andy made his escape. The story refused to mention his stealing the wardens clothes and the unvailing of the corruption in the prison to the press. Did anybody else get goosebumbs when andy ripped his shirt off in the rain and laughed?? i know i did. that quick, sign of happiness emphasizes the true nature of what freedom means.

Point of veiw
In both works Red is narrating the action that is taking place. The great part about the book is that for most of the time the reader forgets that Red is even speaking. King did an incredible job of making the reader feel like they were actually there as these events unfolded. a incredible parrallel between the two works is that the movie has the same effect. the action is occuring, and only intermetitly does Red have a noticeable interjection. This sense of experience the reader/viewer experiences is what makes these works universal, timeless, and so powerful the reader/veiwer wishes to kneel down and weep. the human spirit can emphasze with nearly all experiences, and King just saved the trouble of filling in some of the details to make this sense seem more lifelike than any other ever could.

Wow i pictured Andy and Red extremely differeently. Freeman was the only actor that could play that role, first off. But i neverreally gave him a face becasue his job as the narrator sets him apart from the other characters, so no physical example is needed for him. Andy, however, is described i nthe book as being short and having glasses, and several other features. in the movie, he is tall and almost looks normal. definatly not the image of the banker that i had imagined. but their character and personality is still all the same, which is the key to this story. they still seem like normal people, even thoguh Andy is given a legendary status. The humanity makes this work so universal, which truly makes it one of the best works of literature and art ever conceived.

not really sure what to put here. Setting is setting, and the setting never changed. They are still in prison in the same time period. there really is NO difference at all in this topic. the movie makes it seem more definate the images, but is it worth it? althoguh the images of scenerary is better shown in the movie, the novel seems to make it seem more... real. The imagination that is required makes the reader imagine a place that they can make real, that makes the story seem more real. this emphisizes the universality of this work.

Hope. hope is key to life. well hope and love i should say. Those two key terms are what define our humanity and our life. without the two we have no life. Red could have left andy alone, could have never spoken to him. Andy could have let Red die of a suicidal death after prison, but becasue of their love i nthe prison and hope outside, they manage to stay alive. The movie and novel equally do an incredible job of showing this codependance and relationship between the two characters, which make their legend truthful. they manage to do what many can not do. trust another person with their life. this is why they are legends.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

you're stupid also

I can not stand this person.She is oblivious to the world around her, and has no idea the impact she is making on others, as it is not a good one. not eve a fairly decent one at that. I am more than fine with teachers being annoying and frustrating, but randomly singing in the middle of class? i can see some teachers doing that, but i feel like for them it is almost expected. this woman was probably just released from a straight jacket.

Divorce is harsh

The topic i want to address here was stated in class, so probably multiple people have it. It may not seem too profound, but i'll try my best to liven this up a bit. the woman and guy do not care about anything but having the dominance of this divorce. A last, desperate grasp at power, if you will. truthfully i do not think they loved each other at all .They were stuck with child and forced to marry. After a while of resentment the father had decided he was going to leave. But They carry the same about the baby as they do the photo the mother grabs. Again same with the lottery story. The mother is thinking of herself and her well being more than that of her child, the one she bore. i guarantee that is she would have let the father have it she would have it back in a few days. But instead her determination is her undoing, and the death of her child.

Like Father like son... literally though!

Laughed my butt off while reading this!! unlike most short stories, this one has no unfortunate ending. In fact, it has a happy one because the mother thanks the son for being wasted!! I love the metal process of the son as he is drinking, middle of 346-347. "I was still thirsty. I saw i could reach the pint... It looked as if he had never drank lemonade before." (347). I nearly cried when i read this. Even when the dad is trying to ignore the beer, he tells his son to go play in the street!! honestly though, it took me a few reads to understand the significance of this humor. But personally, i feel that the son is the father's drinking issue. He ignores them both, and he must drag the son home, instead of himself while he carries the drunkenness on his back. The son tries to help his problems by drinking the beer, but just like when he dad drinks, the problems just get worse.

I won!! I won!! I-..... wait a minute....

Ok, ill be the first to say it. Kinda liked this story. Not gonna lie. Because my personality is mainly one of optimism, but at the same time i have a side of realism. and yes, humans have good in them, but they have evil also. And we get a sense of that in this story. is this that far fetched? not in the least. Human sacrifice has been going on for years, just not this... civilized i guess you could say. What shocked me the most is Tessie the mom tries to sacrifice her daughters to save herself! "There's Don and Eva" (269). That has NEVER happened last i checked. normally the mother is the most protective of their children and will do anything to protect them, but she flat out throws them under the bus!! Now that, my gentle reader, is barbaric!