Thursday, April 21, 2011

chase the man that kills your wife. Your life is already destroyed, might as well get some revenge. That wont change anything. once a life is ruined, ther is no fixing it. Once everything you care about is taken from you, there is no going back. whats done is done. no revenge or anything will ever get it back, will ever make it right again. how i empathize, and envy you victor frankenstein.

were you paying attentin?

"now he only esists in memory" (149). So henry dies? didnt catch that the first time i read it. im assuming the monster does something to henry in order to ge tback at frankenstien. i cant blame him. He has been feeling abandnded and mistreated for years now and the only contact he gets is with the man tha tmade him and then ran from him. You cant help but feel sorry for the guy. His mental health is shatttered. You cant blame him for doing anything and everything he has t to get even a little bit of affection back after all he has done for others.

hello? hello?

"i will desolate your heart" (139). Now that is a threat. I wish people still talked like this nowadays. such raw emotion and passion. Say what you want to say, and do not try and hide it. You get no where if you don't say what you mean. The monster is expressing what i feel is the greattest thee in this book, that lonliness is universal. The monster, who isnt really even human, feels the same way victor feels, and that Walton feels years later. It doesnt matter the time, lonliness will corrupt the heart, and tear the soul to shreds. The feeling of isolation and selfworthlessness destroys even the strongest people. everyone can and eventually will feel the crushing weight of this inevitable emotion. Nothing and no one cana outrun it forever.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

irony rules our lives

"i had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart" (56). First off id like to say i think i missed something, becasue i did not see the iconic lighhtnening bolt come down and bring the monster to life. ALos, secondly, i feel i must say i have found a very true, hard lesson to swallow in this book. our dreams and ambitioons can and usually do cloud the ind till there is nothing left, and we lose sight of what truely matters. This man is tortured for the lose of his mother, and instead tries to reanimate a corpse, only to succeed. However, his creation is unlike what he had always wanted. Instead it is a ghastly monstrosity of horror and inhumane creation. THe master hates what he has made, and even before its creaion, the monster continuesto destroy Frankensein's life. THe loss of health, of sleep, of life, of Elizabeth: all becasue of his obsession with the monster he choose to bring to life. Be careful what you wish for... you jus tmight get it.

ummm... Thanks mom?

Ok when i read this it kinda annoyed me. When Vicotr's mom dies, her last paragraph on earth is directed not at the legitamte son she bore fom her womb, but at the daughter she adopted from poverty (42). The symbolism, and her words comfirm this, that victor's mother wished for Elizabeth to take her place. both were saved from poverty for the purpose of helping and providing for the family in any and all ways possible. Victor, however, gets nothing out of this. Why?? i understand the significance left to elizabeth, but what of poor vicotr? if the last few words my mother said were to an adopted child, i would not be pissed, but i would at least be some what upset. ALso i kinda enjoy the foreshadowing that is brought about when she says "this union" between elizabeth and victor. can't wait to see where that leads to.

Great minds think... similar?

Issac Newton is legendary to hve had an apple fall upon his head so he had his great idea about gravitiy. Frankenstein had his idea when he witnessed a lightning bolt destroy a tree(40). SOmehow i think his way is more powerful. Granted Newton's shaked the world, but the idea that we now know about Frankenstien is that his idea ruptured the entire fabric of reality.Newtons idea was an idea that was alread yin exsistance, that could be witnessed by anybody at anytime. this young scientist frankenstein has a proposturous idea that has never been witnessed by the human eye. His imagination, his intellect, his ambition rivals that of the great minds he is studying. His legend, his mark on the world is that of which even he himself is aware, the only question remains what sort of mark will he leave?

old english language

Personally i have to say thatthe speaking in this book is really starting to annoy me. It takes the person 5 pages, the whole first chapter to say that the man married his friends daughter, and then they adopted a daughter of their own. The grammer, and the syntax makes th pages go very slowly, and even when i try to sit and read them i fail to. but the emotion that is expressed in this book is a world apart form the ones i have noticed in the books i read. people of today want action and drama and fighting in their reading. in this era of writing, people were looking more for connection to themselves, not so much an escape of reality. Science fiction was not even considered yet. This book is the missing link between the slow, emotionial turmoil of the stories of yester year, compared to the intense, fast paced, fanciful stories of today.


The human spirit is extraordinarily resilient when it is required. The human mind can push the body to new levels of survival, and can over come nearly any obstacle that arises. But eventually, every erson gives up, and gives in. Everyone needs somebody to help them and hold them up. The man who wrote the letters was a man who was i extreemely cold conditions, but the lonliness he felt for compaionionship was far more deadly than the cold around him. "my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits often depressed"(Shelley). Unrequitted love is the most menacing of all emotions felt by the human spirit, which ravanges the body and rips the soul to shreds, as we stand helplessly to hte side. lonliness is a different beast all together, and does not have the hot, passionate fury of love, but instead freezes the suffer in time and place, alienienating them from all others. Passion rips out the heart, while loliness refuses to touch it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"they said i was still screaming when the amblance arrived."(343). Powerful. that is the only word i can use her. poweful. Imagine, after all that, after all he went through, after the beating Amir took, only to lose his nephew after all that. his last connection with Hassan. Losing him becasue jsut like every other moment in his life, he jsut wasn't strong enoguh to save Hassan in the alley, or his son from an orphanage. He wasn't able to stop his nephew from trying to end at all. He couldnt save him from his biggest fear. and when he found out he could, he was to late because he had fallen asleep. This feeling of hopelessness leads him to turn to God in the hospital. He realizes his frality, his drawbacks, he realizes he can not do what is required of him. No human can without help. some turn to God, other s turn to other humans. either way, no one person can stand alone. everyone must be and is connected to antoher person. This is how we survive.

This is the most realstic flashback EVER!!!

That is probably becasue it is not a flashback. Amir, in order to rescue his nephew, scowers the shattered remains of hischildhood home. Eventually he finds him.. .to bad he is in the care of his childhood bully. Assef is once again threating Amir with beating him to death, and the reincarnation of Hassan in his son, allows Amir to understand the significance of what he should have done so many years ago. Hassan risked his life for his best friend. And now his son was doing the same thing. Amir should ahve known that in that alley, he may have gotten hurt, but Hassan would have been his saving grace, right by his side. Instead, Hassan took all of the punishment, without a word of protest. Amir was silent also, but in the wrong way. Now his nephew is sticking up for him, jsut has his father would have. Amir finally beleives that his debt has been paid. His suffering has been lifted.


The diction of this novel is, to myself, not that to complex. it is somewhat above average, but the words aren;t to sophisticated. the use of trnslated Afghan words is a nice touch also. But Hosseni does not "sugarcoat" any of the action in the book. When the soldier at the begining describes having sex with Hassan's mother, Hosseinidoes not censory it. When Hassan is being raped, he does not say the act, but he gives enoguh detils to get the point acrossed. However, on pages 222-223, the diction takes a huge twist. Large amounts of profaity are used to describe the panic and seriousness Amir feels towards the new knowledge. The excerpt is by far the most shocking of the entire work. Does the work require this profain piece in it to completely define to extremeity of this situation? Personally, i feel that yes, the work requies these profain words to fully get across the reality of Amir's shocking, paniced soul.

A father at last

Baba is said to be in extreme happiness at Amir's graduation from High school. But he was just learning how to be a real father. His last, and in my opinion first, fatherly duty was when he "hobbled up Taheris' driveway." (163). This shift in a relationship is something Amir has dreamed of the entire book. It only takes cancer, and a move to the other sied of the world, along with a few years, for Amir to finally have the father he always dreamed of. Even the fale relationship the kite brought was not a real relationship. this one is. What brought it on? it was that Amir fianlly made Baba proud. He graduated high school, and he was surpassing Baba. Amir was in college, and Amir did what a man wold do: he asked his father to arrange his marriage. Baba finally sees Amir as a man because of the simple request.

Starting at the end

The conclusion of this novel gave me chills. on 371, when Amir repeats to Sohrab what Hassan had told Amir, i actually stopped breathing for a few seconds. "For you, a thousand times over." That line is one of the last things Amir ever heard Hassan say to him. there are many valid themes of this book, but one that really strikes home is pay your dues while you still can. Hassan was loyal til the end, and Amir was unable to return the friendship in life and in childhood. It haunted Amir for his entire life, up until Amir is able to repay the emotional damage not done to Hassan, but to Sohrab. Amir endures a tortureous emotional agony until he is able to bring Sohrab at least partly out of his depressio. He saved him from his devastated childhood and brought him to America, the land of oppurtunity, and a new start not only for Sohrab, but also for the family Amir always wanted.