Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"they said i was still screaming when the amblance arrived."(343). Powerful. that is the only word i can use her. poweful. Imagine, after all that, after all he went through, after the beating Amir took, only to lose his nephew after all that. his last connection with Hassan. Losing him becasue jsut like every other moment in his life, he jsut wasn't strong enoguh to save Hassan in the alley, or his son from an orphanage. He wasn't able to stop his nephew from trying to end at all. He couldnt save him from his biggest fear. and when he found out he could, he was to late because he had fallen asleep. This feeling of hopelessness leads him to turn to God in the hospital. He realizes his frality, his drawbacks, he realizes he can not do what is required of him. No human can without help. some turn to God, other s turn to other humans. either way, no one person can stand alone. everyone must be and is connected to antoher person. This is how we survive.

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