Thursday, April 14, 2011

irony rules our lives

"i had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart" (56). First off id like to say i think i missed something, becasue i did not see the iconic lighhtnening bolt come down and bring the monster to life. ALos, secondly, i feel i must say i have found a very true, hard lesson to swallow in this book. our dreams and ambitioons can and usually do cloud the ind till there is nothing left, and we lose sight of what truely matters. This man is tortured for the lose of his mother, and instead tries to reanimate a corpse, only to succeed. However, his creation is unlike what he had always wanted. Instead it is a ghastly monstrosity of horror and inhumane creation. THe master hates what he has made, and even before its creaion, the monster continuesto destroy Frankensein's life. THe loss of health, of sleep, of life, of Elizabeth: all becasue of his obsession with the monster he choose to bring to life. Be careful what you wish for... you jus tmight get it.

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