Friday, July 9, 2010

Hidden, but not gone

God has an interesting way of popping in at the most random of times it seems. But after closer inspection, we find that He showed up exactly when He needed to. God is present even in an atrocity such as war. The monks were so generous and caring, even though their families had all likely been killed by the men. They help to show that God is universal. No matter where you are, no matter how desperate and helpless you seem, God is there, you just have to know how to look. "It wasn't the religious stuff that interested me. It was just being nice to people." (O'Brien 115).
Many people, myself included, believe that although there are many different religions in the world, and they have similar core values, they all worship the same God, the same entity. It is the one that is inside all of us. The goodness that is half of our conscience. Yes i believe there is a higher power some where in existence, but i believe it works through all of us, each and everyday.

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