Friday, July 9, 2010

Pride over life

I have discussed earlier my fear for being called to war. I still, especially after reading this book, hold that fear deep in my heart. So when O'Brien throws away his chance at an escape, I was forced to stop reading for a while. The decision he made was both the opposite, and very similar to hat i think i would have done in his place. He had freedom, he had life, he had no attachments back home; so why could he not have done it? Why could he not have jumped and lived?
"Embarrassment. That's all it was." (O'Brien 57). He could not live because he was scared of what people thought of him. His life flashed before his eyes, and all he could see what had been, not what could be. He could in fact had had a life in Canada, he just would not be able to look at himself ever again in a mirror. Personally, I do not believe I could have done what he did. Besides my girlfriend and my friends, I have no attachments here. I could make a life for me on the other side of the border. I know my friends would understand, and my girlfriend would too. So for me the choice is easy... jump. Swimming is very easy for me, and this would be no exception I believe. But until I stand where he stood, I can not guarantee my answer.

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