Friday, August 13, 2010


For people that know very little about a culture, it can be extremely easy to judge while they are outside looking in at customs of a culture. In Spanish class, we discussed the Bull fighting tradition in Spain. To most, it seems cruel, brutal, and barabaric. But to the Spanish, it is the highest honor to be a famed matador. Sure people may die along the way, like Vicente Girones (Hemingway 202), but it is all for the sport. It is a tradition that has been carried out for years. And Spanish people (for the most part) accept it and enjoy it for what it is: a test of a human's ability to battle nature, head on. Notce how it NEVER says in the passage of the funeral that his family is saddened at all. Sure, we can assume that they were sorrowful over his death, but they knew he died keeping alive a part of their heritage. And that is an honor in all cultures.

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