Friday, August 13, 2010


Just as in the Broadway favorite, A Fiddler on the Roof, a mention of tradition comes up on page 190. "It would be very bad, a torero who speaks English" (Hemingway 190). There is a clashing of old and new moral values here, as there are all over the world in this time. People are learning how precious life and time are, so they are trying to get the most out of both while the values of the past are slowly eroding and falling by the way side.
The new set of rules, which is ironic as it is a lack of rules, says that as long as no one gets hurt to badly do whatever you please and it will be okay. People are starting to branch out and look at life in a different light, and with this, they are changing their culture. the zinc bars are more popular, and becoming drunk with friends is no longer an American right of passage, but a European one as well. Not everyone is completely losing faith in the old customs, as Romeo shows, but more and more people are allowing their moral compass to slide.

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