Friday, August 13, 2010

Do you remember?

This Novel is filled with allusions, many of which i do no know. Many of the places and bars are more than likely fictional, to help Hemingway's story, but some of the aspects are not. For instance, the reader is not told what Malagueno expressions (Hemingway 178) are, but they can assume from context it is an important part of bull fighting. This book also uses many French and Spanish phrases, such as Corrida de toros (Hemingway 177), that most readers more than likely would not understand. But the references are not what the reader should get hung up on. This book would be a much longer read if they looked up every single word or place in this book. What is important is that the travelers in the book are knowledgable, and can connect to others around them and not be offensive.


  1. if they aren't important, then why blog about them?

  2. it shows that they are well adjusted to their life, and that they know how to interact with those around them when away from home. Many Americans have yet to learn this lesson, which is why we are sometimes viewed as offensive to other nations.
