Friday, August 13, 2010

Listen to the rhythm!

Hemingway shows a very unique writing style that is also a reflection of the attitudes of his characters (discussed post "Tradition!!"). Hemingway's rhythm of writing is short and to the point, just as the characters in his novel use short sentences to say what is on their minds. The vast majority of the conversations that take place use very little words in the actual verbal interaction of his characters. "'Don't forget it yet.' 'No?' 'No.' 'All right.' 'I would like a hat like that.' 'Good. I'll get you one' " (Hemingway 190.) This small conversation is not only how Hemingway handles his dialog, but his other narration as well. He does not spend a lot of time getting to th point of what he wants to say, but his characters do not say very much at all.

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