Friday, August 13, 2010

Robert Cohn

Not only is Hemingway's plot style unique, so is his charcter devolpment. His characters seem so one dimensional, and yet the have a form of depth to them as well. Cohn is a character that really disgusts me as a reader. All he does is mope around and try to chase after Brett, who is trying to get a cross that she doesn't have any positive feelings for him. Frances was doing him a favor when she beat him down verbally. It was something he needed to hear, and thanks to Mike later on, he heard again and again. No matter how many times people tell him to grow up and move on, he just can not do it. Even after the fight, all he does is sulk. "Cohn was crying... 'Please forgive me Jake.'...'I was crasy. Please don't remember it.'" (Hemingway 198.) Cohn is nothing but a lowely, lonely loser who pisses me off again and again.


  1. I have a person I know who is like this, and after a year of trying to help they have not changed at all, nor have they showed any initiative in trying to. i can understand depression (been there) but i at least tried to get out, and look at me: i did.
