Friday, August 13, 2010

What is the point?!

Why? Why did Hemingway spend his time writing this? Quite frankly I had no idea through most of this book what Hemingway's motivation was for writing this book. As far as i could tell their was no underlying lesson, no political injustice being exposed, not even a small bit of advice. I neared the end thinking this was a random bit of literature that is considered a masterpiece.
That is, however, until I read the back cover. THen the pieces started to fall into place and i saw that Hemingway's motivation, in my opinion, was to show the world what was hapening all around them: change. A sudden quick change that spread across the globe and was built out of the wreckage of the old. "It was an age of moral bankruptcy, spirtual dissoulution, unrelaized love, and vanishing illusions" (Hemingway back cover.) Love was a new topic to these people. No longer was love jsut for Romeo and Juiet of old, but for the common man as well. if your heart desired something, go for it! self control was not a lesson learned yet, but it would be very soon.


  1. love was a new topic to these people? these characters or people of that era?

  2. Well the characters were part of the era, but yes I am going with people of the era. Sure once in a while some people go tit right (Romeo and Juliet) but not everyone. Technology was getting better, people were starting to live longer, and infatuation wore off sooner when travel became easier and people were able to meet more and more people in life.
